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[8.1][Serwer]B-Fox_Edit by Otfans-Summer Update 20.06.2008 !

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Dołączył: 18 Mar 2008
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PostWysłany: Nie 16:09, 22 Cze 2008    Temat postu: [8.1][Serwer]B-Fox_Edit by Otfans-Summer Update 20.06.2008 !

Witam !!

Po długiej pracy naszego teamu OTfansteam zrobiliśmy wreszcię długo oczekiwany Summer Update Najlepszego OTS-a B-Fox.Najnowsza aktualizacja na 20 Czerwca 2008.Dodaliśmy bardzo dużo nowego obszaru do expienia bardzo dużo nowych potworów.Jak na razie OTS został sprawdzony przez kilka osoób i nie ma zadnych crashy oraz bugów.I jeszcze jedna bardzo dobra wiadomość dla was co miesiąc bedziemy robili aktualizacje.Zapraszam do Sprawdzania OTS-a o wszystkich niedopracowaniach proszę pisać w tym poście a będziemy to naprawiać.

Nowa Aktualizacja Czerwiec 2008 !!

B-Fox 0.92

* wszystkie fatures 0.89
* Fixed spells (Again -.-)
* wszystkie nowe itemki z tibi 8.0 sa podpisane (Hermes,Me)
* added all wand and rods (Me)
* added new npc soft m
* added traing monk spawns (me)
* change npc palladin (me)
* added addon system and npc! (Xidoazu)

B-Fox 0.90a

* fixed global.lua (Other)
* added pits of inferno monsters =) (Other0
* poprawa boguw na mapie (me)
* dodane niektóre brakujace respy npc (me)
* fixed hydra (me)

B-Fox 0.90b

* added spell undead legion (Forgetten)
* added komapnie gemow (
* added Wykuwanie rzezby z lodu (Azi)
* pozadek w folderach otsa

B-Fox 0.91

* dodane npc addoner jak w rl tibi 100% dziala jest tez norseman addony jak w rl (Otfans,me)
* fixed wand and rods (me)
* fixed spells 8.0 (me)
* dodane npc ktore teleportuje na traing room (me)
* dodano duzo natury rolinnosci itp (me)
* dodane sharvgrond arena niedokonczona (me)
* usuniete bugi na mapie (me)
* poprawione monstery zeb byly jak w rl tibi (me,otfans)
* skunfigurowane exused zeby byl jak w rl tibi (me)
* poprawione niektore npcs (me)
* dodane change system jak w rl tibi jak wejdziesz w tp stajesz sie mieszkanca miasta. (Zorzin)
* dodane brakujace bronie od lvla w weapons.xml (me)
* i pare drobnych poprawek

B-Fox 0.92

* all futures devlanda 0.95 by Dzojo
* fixed weapons.xml (me)
* fixed npc addon (Otfans)

B-Fox 0.92a

* all futures 0.96 by dzojo (Dzojo):
*poprawka ze po dedzie serwer sie wylanczal

B-Fox 0.92

* all futures 0.96b by dzojo (Dzojo):
*poprawa sily ataku z broni dystansowej (Dzojo)
* poprawa bledów w niektórych npc (me,thx report for Hermes)

B-Fox 0.92c

* zmniejszona szybkosc ataku potworków (thx nurgiel to raported)
* poprawa hydry (byla ostro zrugowana) (me)
* fixed monsters (Hermes)
* fixed wand and rods (me)
* czar exori hur i exori con bieze teraz 40 many (me)

B-Fox 0.93

* added Greenhorn arena monsters (by napster92)
* big edit plaint of havroc! (me)
* fixed monsters (Again :/,nic nowego tylko poprawki) (me)
* added very sloow respawn old widow and demodras in poh (me)
* bronie i amunicja dla paladynow sa teraz od lvla 100% jak w rl tibi (me)

B-Fox 0.93b

* added Obsidian Knife and Blessed Wooden Stake (azi)
* fixed 8.0 spells (zawieraly dosc duzo bledów)
* npc seller sprzedajacy Obsidian Knife i Blessed Wooden Stake
* pare poprawek w skryptach
* added npc sprzedajacy all ringi i amulety (me)
* added npc bless (Otfans)
* ogolne male poprawki (nic nowego) (me)

B-Fox 1.0

* added 100% rl loot 7.92-8.0 (me,zorzin)
* poprawki w konsoli (nic nowego tylko poprawki bledów) (me)
* monstery sa juz 99% jak w rl tibi (me)
* added opcje "serwer tylko dla pacc" (dodanie komendy /openpacc) (svn code by Cuddles)
* ulepszony arbatles(me)
* added "mozliwosc zablokowania pisania do gma na priv" (svn code varkhel)
* poprawa bugów w npc (me)
* nowy lepszy npc od softow (me)
* new obsidian knife (azi)
* added all"skrypty lodowych przedomiotów" (by Smoczek Leon)

B-Fox 1.1

* fixed obsidian knife (me)
* fixed npc soft man (me)
* fixed spells (nic nowego tylko pare poprawerk) (me)
* change "karanie za przeklinanie" (juz nie tp do wiezienia tylko odbiera hp jak sie zabluzni ;]) (me,Nusultan Tudialkbai)
* added all Svargrond arena monsters (GM Gregor)
* final almost crected shvargrond arena! 80% (bo niemam jeszcze skryptow beda pozniej..) (me,GM Gregor)
* added gem system (Killavus)
* added spaws npc in Svargrond (me)
* added brakujace skrypty dzwi w shvargrond (me)
* added postman door (me)
* fixed "niemozna pisac gmowi na priv" (svn code verkhal,me)
* added tapestry system (me)
* added pare skrypów by smoczek leon (Smoczek Leon)
* added Suprise and Red bag (ta4e)
* added auto restarter po crashu (me)
* ogólne poprawki paru bledów (me)

B-Fox 1.1b

* fixed doors system (me,evolutions)
* added widows system (me,Xidoazu)
* fixed global.lua (me)
* fixed obsidian knife and blessed wooden stake (again :/) (Ersiu)
* fixed change town (me)
* fixed houses (me)
* poprawa kilku spells (me)
* fixed req level for paldins weapons and ammunations (me)

B-Fox 1.2

* crytical fixed global.lua (me)
* fixed pontions (me)
* fixed outfits (me)
* fixed doors and widows (me,zorzin)
* uptade monsters (me,forgettenserwer,otfans)
* fixed "use players monsters spells" (me)
* fixed manafluids (me)
* fixed req lvl for weapons (me)
* other fixed...

B-Fox 2.5

* change to evolutions npc system (xidoazu)
* Updated Jiddo's NPC System (Jiddo,)
* fixed NPC "zamieniajacy addons items" (me)
* fixed gm block players msg (me)
* fixed command /openpacc (me)
* New Commands: (OTH,zorzin)
* /red ( BroadCast Red)
* /white ( BroadCast White)
* /blue ( BroadCast Blue)
* /green ( BroadCast Green

B-Fox 2.6

* uptade all npcs to system Jiddo (Jiddo)
* spolszczenie konsoli (me)
* niebieski kolor konsoli (me)
* fixed players creatureevent (me)
* nowa ikonka (me)
* fixed change golds (me)
* znacznie ulepszona komenda !online "teraz przy niku pisze nick i lvl np.Omen[141],GM Omen[49](GM)" (me)
* +udostepniam source ;]

B-Fox 2.7

* fixed premium and promotion system (me)
* added function isPremium (forgetten)
* added talkactions !version,!giveexp,!buypromote (Ersiu)
* fixed and changed ice rapier attack: 60 (me)
* fixed could use players spells of monsters (me)
* fixed doors (me,Hermes)
* Uptade 8.0 doors: (Hermes,fixed me)
* *skin doors
* Svargrond wooden door
* Barbiarian bone-doors
* Ice doors
* *Svargrond wood doors
* Svargrond doors
* pozdro dla hermesa ;]

B-Fox 2.8

* Fixed spells exori hur and exori con (me)
* fixed depot titles (czepek,me)
* uptade mana/live fluids (me)
* new windows system by Smoczek Leon (Smoczek Leon)
* added Change Outfit"/outfit" by TheChaosStyle (TheChaos) Info
* update monsters "rl loot,rl monsters (zorzin,me)
* new obidian knife and blessed wooden stake (Czepek)
* new npc Uzgod:sell obsidian knife and blessed wooden stake for items (jkotni6)
* -new lua functions: (otfans)
* *getPlayerExhaust,*doMovePlayerToPosition,*getLeve lExperience
* *doPlayerAddLevel,*doRepeatMessage,*doConvinceSumm on
* *ucwords

B-Fox 2.9

* instalator "teraz devland sie instaluje " Razz (me)
* rl npc bank (Xniver)
* nowe temple w karmi i npc Devland Fred (me)
* fixed windows system (Smoczek Leon)
* poprawa buga ze mozna bylo uzywac czarów monsterów (me)
* golden bow strzela z arrows, nie wymaga amunicji (jest nieskonczona) i jest od 60lvla (Hermes -.^)

B-Fox 3.0

* message UP SKILL,UP LEVELUP MAGLvl (Rafael Hamdan)
* fixed a bug that sometimes a player log out and the server crash (Rafael Hamdan)
* fixed gain skills (svn)
* fixed quest system (me)
* map fixed (me)
* fixed amulet of loss (svn)
* fixed bless system (me,svn)
* fied houses system (me,otfans)
* added WalkTo item (Xidaozu)
* added get-tile system (Rafael Hamdan)
* komenda /clean funkcjonuje w 100% (Rafael Hamdan,fixed me)
* wpelni spolszczona konsola (me)
* added cap system configurable in config.lua (Xidoazu)
* guild system (Yurez)
* nowa komenda report! (otfans)
* dodana funkcja onThink (Ispiro, OTfans)
* fixed npc for premium and promotion (me)
* fixed piggybank (Laxixo)
* paczka instalacyjna zawiera taze map edytor

B-Fox 3.1

* new creaturescriptnKill (Svn)
* new script house tiles (svn)
* experience Stages (Xidaozu)
* added command "!leavehouse" (Xidoazu)
* new food system (me)
* SqLite Support (svn,me)

B-Fox 3.2

* fixed report system (Rafael Hamdan)
* added house rent system like global (Rafael Hamdan)
* added command_logs (zorzin)
* !online showing how many and who are the online players (Rafael Hamdan)
* Randomize Ground "configurable at config.lua" (zorzin)
* added command /addskill (Xidoazu)
* fixed bed system (me)
* players online list on logs "online.php" (Xidoazu)
* added pvp enforced things (Xidaozu)
* fixed crash for login,logout (svn,me)
* fixed server save (me)
* delete SqLite Support (me)
* fixed mysql support (me,svn)
* other bug fixed (svn,rafael hamdan,me)

B-Fox 4.0

* (zmiana nazwy projektu na B-Fox)
* ikonka z logiem liska B-Fox (me)
* fixed creatureevent (svn)
* npc santa in temple (otfans)
* script Dynamic fire (otfans,SuperGillis) info

B-Fox 4.0b

* ostatnia wersja 8.0
* bug fixed (poprawione wszystkie bledy) (me)

B-Fox 5.0 8.1

* protocol 8.1 (me)
* uptade items.otb (svn)
* all outfits 8.1 (me)
* system plywania (me,******)
* all new monster 8.1 (not done loot) (me,otfans)
* npc sell all addons 8.1
* all 8.1 spells (me)
* new wand&rods (me)
* action ice cube (Robertoo)
* fixed items.cpp,h (me,svn)

B-Fox 5.0b

* fixed new corpose (me)
* fixed magic npc (me)
* fixed wands&rods (me)
* fixed npc of addons (me)

B-Fox 5.1

* added ball for swimming game (me)
* new script of swimming 100%rl! (Dzojo,Devon&Nine)
* fixed new corpeses (me)
* added squirrel (******)
* fixed all monsters 8.1 (me,******)
* dzielenie expa w party (me)
* fixed database(sample).sql (poprawiony bug free pacco okolo 5 min grania kazdy dostawal za darmo pacc) (me,thx report for zeu)

B-Fox 5.1b

* bug fixed (me)

B-Fox 6.0

* svn uptade! (SVN TEAM)
* account manager ingame beta! (zalecam uzywania nicaw acc!) (Quickly OTServ)
* Added Rook System (Rafael Hamdan)
* fixed premium system (svn,me)
* fixed exit crash (me,svn)
* new beds system and auto configure (svn)
* auto Clean (Nfries88)
* Rook System (Rafael Hamdan)
* suppor for SHA1 and MD5 passwords (svn)
* fixed Anti Loot system (Rafael Hamdan)
* exp sharing in party (SVN)
* login error (svn)
* protocol messages can be configured in config.lua (svn)
* new database.sql (svn,me,Rafael Hamdan)
* percentage death at vocation.xml (Xidaozu)
* other bug fixed (me)

B-Fox 6.1

* Auto server save if the server crashes (Rafael Hamdan)
* added house rent system again(me,svn)
* Fixed attackspeed (svn,me)
* fixed items.xml (me,Rafael Hamdan)
* Fixed Account manager (Rafael Hamdan)
* fixed database.sql,fxed game masters acces and added new group 3-gm,5-god (me,Rafael Hamdan)
* accept lvl 350+ (me)
* fixed mysql supoort (me,svn)
* fixed global.lua (me,??)
* added Experience Stages (Xidaozu)
* other fixed and svn uptade (me)

B-Fox 6.2

* fixed and uptade all spells 100 rl/all 8.1 (tfs,me)
* uptade and fixed wand and rods for tibia 8.1 (me,tfs)
* fixed weapons for range and lvl (tfs)
* added all new potions (tfs,me)
* uptade movements scripts (tfs)
* fixed config.lua (me) (koniecznie podmień jak uzywasz stare!)

B-Fox 6.2b

* fixed Amulet Of Loss (me)
* bug fixed and uptade all monsters (Rafael Hamdan,me,?)
* change doRemoveCondition to made by Dzojo (Dzojo)
* fixed swimming system (devon8nine)
* fixed all potions (me)
* fixed and uptade global.lua for potions system (tfs,me)
* added !uptime in talkactions (tfs)

B-Fox 6.3

* Critical fixed Gain Experience (me)
* fixed all possible crashes (me)
* SVN Uptade (svn)

B-Fox 6.4

* fixed Beds System in items.xml (me)
* fixed/uptade doors system (otfans,me)
* new underwate system (Exedion)
* fixed global.lua for spells (me)
* added weakness/resistance "physicalDamage="130" energyDamage="80" fireDamage="90" poisonDamage="90" drownDamage="110" (Otfans)

B-Fox 6.5

* fixed database.sql for webserv (me)
* added iceDamage,holyDamage and deathDamage in vocations.xml (me)
* fixed npc system bugs (me)
* fixed skill saving problems in acc manager 111111/tibia (me)
* fixed crash whena attacking players with summons (Rafael Hamdan)
* fixed follow system (svn)
* fixed server save "Again" (me)
* fixed weapons for range (me)
* fixed remove_ammunation = "no" (svn,me)
* fixed config.lua for AccManager InGme (me)
* fixed 350+ lvl (me)
* fixed global.lua (me)
* fixed a problem with delete/add character in acc manager (thx Rafael Hamdan)
* fixed guild master (me)
* cleanning online player list "online.php" when starting server (Rafael Hamdan)
* Stages System in config.lua (?)
* uptade svn (SVN Team)

B-Fox 6.6

* Enchantowanie broni not done! tymczasowe braki: po 1000 udezeń nie zmienia sie w zwykłą bron,
atak z zywiołów "jest juz uzupełniony w path1.0" (smoczek leon)
* fixed duration fields in items.xml (me)
* fixed spells (me)
* fixed bug "big lag" (me)
* fixed config.lua for exp stages (me)
* added poi quest, 100% rl shargrond arena (skrypt by szuwar,mapował: zolw89)
* fixed npc of boats (me)
* fixed rule valution (me)
* fixed all npc (me)
* magic npc sell also potions (me)
* rl monster loot 8.1!! (me and zolw89)
* npc of loot sell new items (me and zolw89)
* at npc mahradis give buy lottery ticket,
which can be mentioned after use on.
(After use on conquest 35% chances ticket wining lottery ticket)
new island in map and add spawn Ghazabran (zolw89)
* uptade map +4mb!!! (zolw89 and me)

B-Fox 6.7

* fixed psyhical damage configuration use only meleDamage = 1 and distDamage = 1 (1=rl) (me)
* fixed pvp system (me)
* fixed npc of potions (me)
* fixed monsters.xml for arenas (zolw89)
* fixed efekty/zywioły do broni jak w rl "not done" (Adims,me) [/b]

B-Fox 6.8

* delete "Please send the file report.txt to support service" (me)
* fixed long time freez on the server (me)
* all enchanted weapons (Mroczny GM)
* holder for enchanted weapons (Svira)
* new rl arrows 8.1 (Mroczny GM)

To by było na tyle ze wszystkimi cechami tego wspaniałego OTS-a,w którego włozyliśmi bardzo wiele wysiłku i pracy zespołowej.
Dodam iż w silniku jest w 99% prawdziwy POI QUEST !!
A plik actions waży 44kb...

Pozdrawiamy OtFANS TEAM !!

Skan :

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[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]


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